Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 2012 catch-up!

So I believe we left off the day before my birthday in December.  Below would be Kara, Aylia, me, Nikolai, and Liam after my birthday dinner at the Olive Garden, which was fabulous!!!  I am officially the shortest in the family now, as all have surpassed my amazing height of 5 foot 3.75 inches.  Nice looking bunch if I do say so myself.  lol

I found a yummy recipe for Belgian fries on the Mother Earth News website, and have made them twice so far.  They did not last long, let me tell you.  Fried them once and then turned up the oil and fried them again so they were nice and crispy.

And the turkey (one we butchered) that I made for Christmas turned out fabulous!!!  Great flavor after brining for two days in the back fridge.  I got the recipe from Nigella Lawson cookbook I checked out from the library.  Sorry, don't have an after picture, as it was cut up and eaten before I could get the picture taken!  The flavor was so good, I would definitely do this one again.

Below is Christmas morning picture of the kids.  My how they have grown.  Time sure flies when you are having fun!

Below would be the hat I knit for myself from the yard Aylia got me for my birthday!  It has definitely come in handy with all the snow today!

I have been trying to make more things rather than purchase them and tried a recipe for homemade shampoo.  I think it turned out great, as I have very dry hair and need all the oil I can get.  Seems to lessen any flakes there might also.

This would be the afghan I knit for my dad's birthday.  It turned out very nicely, if I do say so myself.

So we have been thinking of getting a cow and selling some of the goats.  We went up to Bellingham and looked at Scottish Highlands.  They are so cute and have huge heads!  OMG.  They have a dehorned female for sale we are thinking about who is bred with their bull, X-Man.  They are supposed to be great meat and good foragers, not requiring more expensive feed.

Then Mom and I went to a small raw dairy farm in Silvana the other day just to talk with the owner and see the cows.  Below are the beef cows that he has and that he will be selling, as he has decided to concentrate on milk cows.

This is Mom with the Guernsey calf, born Thanksgiving, I believe.  They had another smaller one that was born Christmas.  So very cute.  I did purchase a half gallon of milk and boy is it tasty.

This was the picture this morning when I got up.  Since then, we ended up with about 11 to 12 inches of snow total, so of course there was no school today and there is no school tomorrow.

This would be a closeup of Marty looking through the fence this morning.  He does fine in the snow, ends up with a little snow beard and looks very cute.

The Delawares were "snowed in" this morning.

As were the turkeys,

the buff orpingtons, and

the light brahmas.  All stayed in their pens today.  The turkeys walked out and pretty much walked right back in.  I guess the snow is just not for them.

The pigpack was hysterical this morning.  They pretty much ate the snow and ended up with snow beards.  Then proceeded to chase each other around, kicking up their back feet and snorting up a storm.

This would be the front yard a little later in the morning.  I am always amazed at how quiet it gets when it snows.  Really muffles any sound.

Today is mine and Rob's Anniversary of 14 years.  I can't believe how fast it has gone and can't wait for the next 14 years and more.  Mom and Liam made us a beautiful cake for our anniversary.  Rob will just have to wait until he gets home tomorrow, as he is working today.  It was delicious!!!

That's all to catch up on now.  Will try to blog more often!