And softball and baseball seasons have begun! Again, Kara and Liam are both #7 on their respective teams! Pretty good looking kids, huh!! lol Liam's first tournament is in Wenatchee then they start their season games. He is pitching and playing right and center field. Kara just started her season games this week. She is playing right field and first base, mostly right field.
And below would be Kara's softball team at the first team dinner at our house. Great group of girls!
Runner is such a goofball. This would be how he sleeps in his bed in the living room. I really don't think that looks very comfortable, but oh well. hahahahaha
Robert's birthday morning came with the addition of two new kids from Ashley! Below is the female, I believe she was born first as she is just a little bigger than her brother.
And below is the male. He has a very small white patch on his forehead and on the right side of his body, otherwise he is all red! Such a cutie!
Kara decided she need a picture at Home Depot the other day, so here you go! She sure is pretty!
For mom's 71st birthday, we, Robert, myself, Liam, Mom, Raymond, and Aylia, went to the shooting range in Arlington! It was lady's day so it was only $5.99 to shoot and try multiple pistols and mom got to shoot for free as it was her birthday! We tried four different pistols that day. I actually preferred the revolver over the Glocks. Don't we look hot in those protective glasses and ear protection? haha
Since the pigs are gone and in the freezer, Robert on his searching of Craigslist found these cuties down in Issaquah and we purchased two! They are Kune Kune and potbelly pig mix. Will be about 70 to 80 pounds full grown. Right now they are only 6 weeks old. So cute. They were so excited when they heard Marty talking and raced to the fence to say Hi!
They love to bask in the sun!
Can you find the piggies in their house?
This would be Blue, our silver fox buck. He is loving the grass right now! Hopefully, he did his job and our does are bred! Fingers crossed!
Robert has been busy making garden beds where the pigs were.
And Mom, Raymond, and I have been laying newspaper down in the pathways and then covering with wood chips. The goal is to not have to rototill these anymore, just add in compost when we plant and then overwinter with green manure crops to turn over in the spring and plant again.
The rhubarb obviously did not mind being moved. It has taken off nicely!
Mom and I have started to brew kombucha to drink. Kasara has a friend that had extra scobys. I purchased the crock and stand from Amazon. This was started on 03/22/13 and will start checking it this Friday, 03/29/13.
You can see the new scoby forming on the top. The mother scoby is at the bottom of this batch.
Have a great rest of March! Later!