Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June, In Closing

How are you all doing?  Been busy with Liam's baseball, end of school, and gardening.  Oh, and the animals!!!

Below is the new manual butter churn I purchased off Amazon.  It works beautifully in about 5 minutes, voila, I can't believe it's butter.  hahahaha  This was with 2 pints of cream at a time, made about 1 pound of butter and the leftover whey I used in the bread I made.

Mom and I picked our first batch of garlic, which is drying now in the garage.  This is Pink Chinese, an early variety of braiding garlic.  We also have Italian Late, which is good for storage also.

The very first strawberries of the year!  Yummy!!! and the first batch of parsley!

Robert got creative with the clippers before one of Liam's baseball games and put his number on the side of his head.  Looked great!!!  Liam thought it was cool!

Went down to Dad's for Father's Day.  Got to see their new condo.  Very, very nice.  This is the covered deck they have.  Dad BBQ'd steak and Audra made very yummy baked beans and Waldorf Salad!  Great company and food, can't be beat!!

The "men" obviously having a very serious discussion on the porch.  hahaha!

And now for the wonderful news!!!  Both of the turkey hens have been sitting and when we got home from Father's Day, one momma had hatched out 9 babies, out of 25 eggs.  However, her nest was in a very damp spot so I am sure that did not help.  Two did not make it, unfortunately.  One got caught outside the cage and couldn't get back in.  Two others Mom brought into the house as the same thing happened, and she kept them warm on a heating pad.  They were in the brooder with 4 baby chicks and one did not make it.  So there are 6 outside with momma and 1 inside with the 4 baby chicks.  All 7 are doing well!  Success!!!  The other hen probably has about 3 more weeks before hatching and she is sitting on 6 eggs, so hopefully more turkeys on the way.  The cage below is around her nest and she goes in and we close the door at night, so that works much better than before.

The squash are taking off with the couple of warm days we have had intermixed with the rain!

The potatoes are growing best out of everything, I have to say.  I did just purchase some potato bags to be able to store them in to keep throughout the winter.

Then I got a wild hair and weeded the flowers around the house and decided I did not want this flower bed in the back anymore.  Mom and I moved 4 to 6 plants to different places and removed the rest along with all the thistles and dandelions.  Liam was the one manning the wheelbarrow that Mom and I filled.  We are going to plant more potatoes as we have a bunch that sprouted and do love potatoes!!!

Busy with baseball this next month with Liam.  His season ends at the end of July with a tournament in Colorado at Steamboat Springs.  Kara and I are driving, should be fun as we got a new stereo in the Toyota so no more static feedback.  Robert and Liam are flying and we are picking them up in Denver. Will definitely be making a trip to Leadville to see Tim's bench by the reservoir.  Liam has never been and Kara was only 6 months old when he passed so does not remember.


Sunday, June 10, 2012

New items found!

Had a great time at the Mother Earth New Fair!  Ran into Erica and Homebrew Husband from NW Edible.  Had a great time with Mom, Raymond, and Robert.

Below, are the sourdough starters that I purchased and have started.  Am excited to be making some bread items from these two.

 There was a fabulous booth Pepperjackhome that had reusable paper towels shown below!  One side is cotton and the other is diaper cloth.  Soaks up spills fabulously and can be washed and reused!

At the same booth, there were reusable snack bags like below,

And a reusable sandwich bag that velcroed closed as shown below,

Below are the garlic scapes that mom cut and then dried for us.  I fried some up with some veggies the other night that were fabulous!

Below are the sweet potato slips that finally got planted after warming up the soil under the plastic.  I have four left in the house that are still growing/sprouting leaves and will plant them soon.

Mom's friend Cleo brought down some potato fingerling starts, so we have planted those and hopefully will have a little crop!

The potatoes have grown wonderfully!!!  Need to get some straw to mulch with along with the grass clippings.

All is going well on Shelley Hill Farm.  Liam has a baseball tournament this weekend we will be going to and the kids are out of school on Friday!  Kara will be a Junior in high school next year, wow where does the time go and Liam will be in 8th grade.  The animals are doing well and both turkey hens are sitting now, the one probably has about a week until hatching and the other just started and is sitting on 11 eggs.

So hopefully will have more turkeys for butchering in the fall.  The first group of chickens will be processed the first of July.

Have a good one!