Saturday, March 26, 2011

Busy planting

Have been busy separating and repotting the tomato plants and pepper plants.  Gave some to Aylia today, as she had given me some different tomato seeds than I had, so we swapped.  Still need to plant beets, mangels, and sunflower seeds.

The new kids, R1 and R2, are doing super.  They are so funny, trying to jump and kick up their legs.  Too cute.

Phoebe and Monica have still not delivered yet.  Again, should be anytime now.

Pig is putting on the pounds and growing.  He has passed Marty the Pig in height and probably weight now.  They still get along great and Pig definitely defers to Marty, who is the head pig in his eyes.  hahahaha

Robert has been redoing the front deck, as the insurance company came out and took pictures, just to update their files.  We had taken off most of the railing around the deck, because it blocked our view at the height it was and also was not really needed, according to the building codes.  However, we got a letter back from the insurance company telling us that we needed to put back up the railing or basically they would not continue to insure us.  So Rob has been busy working on that, and pictures will follow.  It looks great, I think.

The sun has been so great instead of the rain.  It's actually 51 right now on Saturday afternoon/evening and very pleasant.

Rob made the mistake of leaving Pig in the garden too long the other day while feeding him and Pig tried to help by tilling up some of the new plants we had planted.  That didn't work out so well.  hahahaha  Sooooo, I have restarted them, they were lettuces, spinach, leeks and chard, I did manage to save some, but have restarted more in the house and they have already sprouted again.  YAY!

Remember Earth Hour is tonight at 8:30 pm Pacific Time.  Lights out for an hour or more.  Got all my hurricane lights ready to go.  Gonna catch up on some reading.

Kara's softball team won their first game Friday evening!  Yay!  She has been playing very well and hitting well also.  She made a double play out during the game Friday, catching the ball and then throwing the other runner out.  Way to go Kara!

Liam's first baseball game isn't until 04/07, so he is still just practicing for now.


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