So I am driving home from taking the kids to school this morning, and I get this picture from Rob on my phone with the caption "What's this?"
My reply was "OMG! haha. Our first egg. I am so proud!!" Rob replied "Me too. It's about time."
Too funny how excited we are that the chickens have started laying. Hopefully, there will be plenty of eggs in the next few days and weeks, so I don't have to purchase any anymore. Ironically, I had just purchased 2 dozen last night. Oh well, I am sure they will be put to good use. Dumbledore has his full crow on in the morning now. Not too obnoxious though the tractor is right outside our bedroom window at this point, so should be a little less loud as we move it across the lawn.
All the sweet corn, popcorn and blue hopi flour corn have come up along with all the beans, peas, edamame, sugar pumpkins and more broccoli. Have not planted the tomatoes or the peppers yet. We will be making a trellis to put next to the house to attach the tomato plants to as they grown and that way I can put a floating row cover over them also and attach it to the trellis to keep them warmer, until it stops raining and actually gets warmer.
I am sooooooooo tired of the rain. We have a very soggy back yard, more soggy than I remember in years past, so need to think of how to fix this for next year. I really want to use some rain barrels to catch rainwater to use during the summer (and winter, as they can be placed so I don't have to haul water for the animals) to water the garden and water for the animals. I was thinking of perhaps doing a pond on the west side of the property to catch rainwater and then use a gravity system to get it down here, but Rob's not too sure of the pond. So I had another thought. How about a line of rain barrels along the property line on the west side (which is the highest end) instead of a pond? Might not look as nice, but hmmm a thought.
Pig is growing nicely and Marty is as hysterical as ever. The girls, Phoebe, Monica and Rachel have not kidded yet, but it can't be too far off. Their udders have gotten much larger and they are kind of waddling now. Perhaps a week or two, or maybe sooner or maybe longer. The next time we breed them, we will definitely keep better track of the dates so we have a closer approximation of the due dates, because this is crazy not knowing for sure. We will only put one of the girls in with Gus at a time and monitor the "progress".
We did get lettuce, cucumbers, broccoli, leeks, onions, and herbs transplanted in the garden. They seem to be doing well, but again, I want to put some floating row covers on to keep the warmth in a little bit for them. Next week, will have to transplant the beans and such listed above as they are growing too fast to keep in the starter containers for long.
Many thanks to Aylia and Kasara for the plastic jugs to use as cloches. They worked out well and with Aylia at the coffee stand, I have plenty for a while. :)
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