Sunday, February 19, 2012

New Babies!!!

So I didn't feel like using the microwave the other night and the woodstove was going, so I cooked my dinner on the top of the woodstove.  A very yummy burrito with homemade spanish rice, cheese and homemade flour tortilla!  Was super quick and easy! Yahoo!

The puppy sleepover with Bowser went well!  He is such as cutey.  Meeah and Jake were too funny.  Bowser just wanted to play and Meeah and Jake were like "whatever" and "really?"  They are definitely not puppies anymore!  haha

And now for the big news!!!  Rachel had her kids tonight at about 8:30.  Two boys, both ears not flipped, and boy did they come fast!!  Monica will be next, probably in the next couple of days.

This is the firstborn, R1.

And this is the second born, R2.


and R2.

And the eggs have been removed off the turner for the last three days.  Should start on the 21st or so!!  Am so egg-cited!  hahahahahahaha  There are 41 total, so will see how many hatch.  Momma hen should start to hatch hers in about a week, one broke, so she has 6 to hatch now.

This is the wonderful brooder box that Robert built.  Notice the pole on the left hand side that will hold the heat light to keep them all warm and toasty!


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